Single Face Splice Olive Wood
The cue design here is a Single Face Splice Olive Wood with Two Veneers and in this cue a one piece standard cue.
Veneers used here are ebony and maple and as you’ll see its a great looking cue. This custom snooker cue uses a North American ash shaft and an ebony butt and uses the best in craftsmanship you’ll find anywhere in the world.
As you’ll see in the listing we also include a free extensions plus some added extras with the in stock cues.
Added Bonus:
- For all of our in stock cues we’re also giving Extensions 23 inch and solid ebony mini butt
Cue Specifications:
- CC-572 , 58.1 inches, 9.65 ferrule, 18.44 ounces , 28.91 butt, 17.5 inch balance point -SOLD
- CC-563, 58.1 inches, 9.7 ferrule, 18.37 ounces, 28.68 butt, 17.1 inch balance point
- CC-573, 58.1 inches, 9.61 ferrule, 18.55 ounces, 28.64 butt, 17.6 inch balance point