
One Piece Four Secondary Kingwood and Veneer


This Cue Creator features Four Secondary Kingwood and thick Veneer in Blue all using the highest quality USA Ash.


Four Secondary Kingwood and Veneer

This Cue Creator features Four Secondary Kingwood and Veneer in Blue with a face splice also in Kingwood. These cues are from our new cue range which they are all using North American Ash and have the best in quality in finish and splicing.

The four secondary splices in Kingwood with a thick blue veneer and is a very popular choice overall. The 1941 is a pro cue so the ash in this goes through to the bottom of the cue and reduces butt flex. This helps in forcing shots.

Cue Specifications:

  • 1921 -Kingwood and Veneer -Length of cue 57.2 inches, 9.57 ferrule, 18.02 ounces, 29.5 butt, 17 inch balance point
  • 1941 – Kingwood and Veneer -Length of cue 57.1 inches, 9.59 mm ferrule, 17.85 ounces, 29.4 butt, 17.3 balance point -PRO CUE
Added Bonus:
  • For all Cue Creator® cues purchased in stock only we’re also giving a free extensions 6 inch solid and 23 inch telescopic extensions.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 150 × 10 × 10 in
Kingwood and Veneer

1921 -Kingwood and Veneer -Length of cue 57.2 inches, 9.57 ferrule, 18.02 ounces, 29.5 butt, 17 inch balance point, 1941 – PRO CUE Kingwood and Veneer -Length of cue 57.1 inches, 9.59 mm ferrule, 17.85 ounces, 29.4 butt, 17.3 balance point, 1295 – Kingwood and Veneer -Length of cue 57 inches, 9.71 mm ferrule, 18.06 ounces, 29.74 butt, 17 balance point